Grace 24 hour Day of Prayer
Missionaries prayer resource addendum
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplication.
Some Psalms of praise for God’s awesome majesty that you can read out load in this time include:
Psalm 8; 30; 33; 47; 95; 96; 100
Confession is to verbalise our spiritual shortcomings and admit we have sinned. Simply stated, confession is the act of declared admission. Let’s acknowledge our sins and our need for God’s forgiveness. Our confession must be open, honest, and specific. Take a moment and search your heart. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you any sin in your life.
You could use the words of Ps 19: 12 – 14: “Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from wilful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
Please forgive me for……….. (name specific things that the Holy Spirit reveals to you.)”
Thank Him that if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive you of your
sins and purify you from all unrighteousness (John 1:9).
Thanksgiving is the act of expressing specific gratitude to God for blessings He has bestowed upon us. Thanksgiving differs from praise in that praise focuses on who God is, where as thanksgiving focuses on what God has specifically done for us.
Ps 100:4 – “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.”
As a congregation we thank God for:
- The privilege of having fellowship with our Christian brothers and sisters without the fear of being persecuted.
- For the amazing growth of our Church.
- For sending a new Pastor, Mynhardt van Zyl, to help carry the load with Pastor Joe.
- For God hearing and answering our prayers and for providing in all our needs.
- The serving hearts of Grace Leaders and members who are working together to make our
growing church run smoothly.
Now ASK.
BELIEVE as you ask in faith. TRUST He will hear and answer.
Take a few minutes to lay before the Lord any personal prayer requests you have.
Let’s remember to pray not only for ourselves, but for the world around us as well.
Instead of ending your prayers “in Jesus name”, try using an expanded version of this phrase, like “I
am asking this, Lord, because your Son authorized me to do so and because I am certain it is what He
wants me to ask. Grant it, not because of any worth in me, but because Your Son has earned it.”
Anton Beukes in Athens Greece
Please thank the Lord with me for:
- His provision in everything that I need, including my health, support, friends, and spiritual family. Providing more clarity about my calling in Greece and ministries to work with.
- The successful application for a new visa for Greece.
- My Pioneers team and support from my local churches, Cross Culture Church in Perth, and Glyfada Christian Centre in Athens.
- Completion of my Greek classes.
Please pray with me for:
- The upcoming travels and leading of the team from Perth Bible College.
- Wisdom, strength and insight in the planning and preparation of the Gateway Training Centre Discernment regarding the Oikos 24 outreach in Kefalonia in July and the involvement at Glyfada Christian Centre.
- The provision for buying a second-hand car.
Yulia and Jenya Losev in Russia
Please pray for:
Our children
- children Artyom and Tanya’s school accreditation.
- for them to pass exams well and receive middle school diplomas.
Our work and team
- financial support for our team and financial resources to cover ministry expenses.
- new donors, financial supporters and a new fundraising group of people in our team.
- new strategies and ways for expanding VCJF in Russia. Ask God to give us His keys and understanding in developing ministries among the least reached.
- peace resolution between the nations in conflict.
- government authorities to seek peace and have wisdom in finding ways to solve conflict.
- the families in Russia that lost sons, brothers and fathers in conflict. Pray they have a chance to hear Good News and receive comfort and peace.
Russian churches
- Please bless Russian churches. May the Lord heal the land, the people and His revival come through His body here.
- Pray for the church to have wisdom, strength and boldness to share the Gospel.
Michelle le Roux in Bulembu
Please pray for:
- our children to receive God’s grace which He has already prepared for them as they embark on a new school term.
- hearts of every team preparing to visit Eswatini on a missions trip between now and August, and also for our team on the ground to remain healthy and trusting in God’s grace for preparations to receive each team.
- wisdom, guidance and trust in God as I navigate the appeal process regarding my work permit.
- continued trust in God for His provision as the cost of living continues to skyrocket and puts pressure on already tight budgets – for us as an organisation as well as me personally.
Open Doors International
Please pray for God’s protection, blessing and provision for our workers in the 10 most dangerous countries to be a Christian:
- North Korea
- Somalia
- Libya
- Eritrea
- Yemen
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Sudan
- Iran
- Afghanistan
(You are welcome to access a video after your prayer slot for information on the risks for Christians in the above countries at )
Prabhakar Salway in India (Executive Director – Deepgruh Foundation)
Deepgruh Foundation has organised a Youth Camp, which will take place during the last week of May. We are expecting a thousand young men and women.
Please pray for:
- Preparations
- Please uphold travel mercies
- Protection from the satanic forces which are already operating against us
- Water supply shortage
- Health for the resource person
- Provision for the necessary funds to cover the bills
Marco and Rosa Reyes in Mexico
We are overwhelmed with gratitude that Grace Church is supporting us and willing to stand with us in prayer. May the Lord bless you all.
Please pray for:
- Protection for all the facilitators and their families.
- God’s provision of new facilitators and people with a heart full of passion to teach.
- God’s provision of financial resources for the region.
- May God put in peoples heart the need for and importance of biblical training. May God use all of us in the Veritas Latin-American Region to share those needs and may He give us grace before authorities and people that have the resources we need, to keep training.
Our family
- that God may give Marco wisdom in planning and budgeting for the new financial year.
- protection over Marco when he travels.
- protection for our son Abraham, he moved to a big town because of a job.
- for our daughter that is getting married that she would have a godly marriage.
- protection for all our daughters and grandchildren. They live in the USA, where there is so much pressure to make children believe that immoral and ungodly behavior is normal, e.g. homosexuality, transgender, etc.
The Mexican nation
- selection of a new president that would have respect for God and Christian principles.
- every day people, the government, and the media, support and encourage ungodly behavior and laws that are against moral principles.
- That our nation turns to God, that people would recognize God in all their ways.
Please pray for God’s intervention in high levels of organised crime in Mexico, specifically:
- in the increased shootings and fighting during this year that a new president will be elected.
- for innocent people caught in crime-related shootings.
- families that have to flee from their towns leaving behind all their belongings due to drug producers taking their homes for the purpose of drug preparation.
- protection of youth and children targeted or kidnapped to work for crime organisations.
- the use of drugs to stop.
Latin American region
Prayer Request for Guatemala
- For God to open doors so that the Veritas training can keep on equipping pastors and leaders as there is a great need for knowledge of the true Gospel.
Prayer Requests for Cuba
The situation in Cuba is bleak. There is almost no food and people are struggling to have at least
one meal a day. Please pray for:
- provision for people in general, for daily needs, Christians and non-Christians.
- people to turn to God and that the ones that know the Lord, will really share the Gospel.
Moheb in the Middle East and North Africa
Please pray for:
- the believers receiving training and for Moheb’s safety, as he does training in very dangerous areas in Egypt where there are no other Christian organisations.
- God’s favour regarding his travel arrangements, he has been finding it increasingly difficult to get visas to enter into some countries like Syria.
- the biblical training to change lives and honour God.
Jan and Ruth le Roux in Southern Africa
Please pray that:
- we will be led by His Spirit to co-ordinate the missions and outreaches.
- we will encourage those without hope and that many will come to salvation.
- we will strengthen the things that remain, but which are ready to die in Botswana. For all the preschool children who have heard the gospel for many years – that God will water those seeds to bare much fruit to the glory of God.
- God will raise up more local workers in Botswana and here, who will truly be devoted to the Lord…pray the Lord of the Harvest will send forth labourers.
- we and all the above labourers will receive health and protection and journeying mercies.
- we will all speak the truth in love. That the pure gospel will be preached and that we all will be protected from deceptions.
- people will truly turn to God and obey Him. That we as Christians will seriously worship and love the Lord in sincerity and truth.
Meyerink family in Perth
Please give thanks with us that:
- Arwen has been more settled in friendships lately.
- for our 25 years of marriage.
Please pray for:
- Rory getting used to uni and travel involved.
- Brendan’s health- he has been up and down. Please pray for his full healing and his ability to work full time.
- Pioneers Australia’s 240 adults and 200 kids on the mission field.
- more people to be mobilised into mission.
Brian and Barbara Singoi in Zambia
Please pray for:
- our health that we will be able to carry out the task God has given us.
- the children that after they graduate the Lord will provide guidance and money for them to start something for themselves.
- our personal vehicle (that the Lord will provide for us) urgently
New Hope Foundation in China
Please pray for:
- Favour to keep all four Healing Homes open for as long as possible.
- Our four nurses who need to leave China.
- Provision to cover all our expenses.
- All 80+ children – that they would know they are deeply loved and that they would be able to go for adoption soon
Col 1:9-12 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so
that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light