Hi Church Family.

Next Wednesday on the 31st of October most folk in Australia will be thinking about Halloween. Some say it’s just an “innocent” and fun event themed around spooky figures such as ghosts, devils and the like.

My wife and I have decided years ago not to get our family involved with the Halloween celebrations as it has some very dark and cultic tones. Dr James Dobson (Focus On The Family) shared this link to a blog by a Christian mother who felt torn between the “do I” or “don’t I” get involved with Halloween.


But here’s the bigger point to consider. It would be a shame if we as Christians associate the date of 31st October with arguments for/against Halloween but neglect to remember The Reformation. This is what we should honour every 31st October. It’s a great time to read up again about the Reformation. There are some great Reformation movies to watch as a family like the movie ‘Luther 2003.’ Being a ‘Reformed’ Church also gives us a special connection to the Reformation era. This is why our church will host a combined Reformed Churches service (for all the Reformed Churches in our Classis) at ECU this Sunday afternoon at 4.30pm. Please join us on the day. If you can help with providing some refreshments please sms Sanet Rudman on 0416 873 405.

On Sunday morning in our usual 9.30am service we will celebrate Lord’s Supper together. Do join us as we partake of the Bread & Wine together and so remember the grace and sacrifice of Jesus displayed for us on a cross.

As mentioned last week – our Church Council is looking into appointing two new elders. As Grace Church members you are invited to prayerfully consider and nominate names for these positions. ‘Besides prayerfully providing spiritual oversight to the church, these elders would help oversee our Small Group ministry & Outreach alongside our current elders.’

See you all on Sunday

Pastor Joe