God’s appointed times
Hi church family. This Friday it’s Australia Day. It’s a day for celebrating this great country where we live and where God has planted us to grow and make a difference. Let’s use this day as an opportunity to pray for God’s blessing on our nation and its leaders.
As mentioned last week, in February we will be launching a Small Group Campaign using some of Rick Warren’s material called ‘What on earth am I here for.’ This is an easy to use resource which is handy to use for forming a new small group. I’ll also be preaching along the themes mentioned in this booklet.
We are looking for some new Kids Church leaders to help teach our children God’s Word. We always try to build big enough teams so everyone is rostered on 2 or 3 times a term. We are praying for God to “nudge” the right people (is it you?) to join our team of excited leaders for 2018. Contact the church office for more info.
Please help us spread the word about the upcoming Genesis Music Event. We’ll have some flyers available this Sunday if you can grab a few and give to friends and neighbours. We want to challenge every family to attend this production and invite another family from outside our church to also attend. (These two events form part of our church’s fundraising for this year.)
“God determined the appointed times and the boundaries of people’s lands.” Acts 17:26
God bless you all.
Pastor Joe